What Kind of Damage Can a Squirrel Cause in My Attic?

Many look upon squirrels as cute little animals, but these critters can be quite destructive. Not only can they cause damage trying to get inside your home, breaking or cracking siding boards but, once inside, the damage they can cause can be horrendous. Here is just some of the damage that a squirrel can cause in your home.

Urine and Feces
Let’s start with what is the absolute worst part of the squirrel being inside your house. These animals are going to look for a spot to relieve themselves. That means that they will release their urine and feces inside your home.

While that is disgusting enough on its own, there are some major concerns you have to have about the waste of these animals. It starts with the fact that squirrels are the carriers of a number of diseases and parasites that put you and your family at risk. Bacteria and viruses could have the opportunity to prosper inside the attic of your house.

In addition, urine is moist. That means that you could easily have mold and mildew buildup in your home as well. This not only puts yourself at risk, as mold can attack your respiratory system, but it can also compromise the integrity of your house. This could cause structural boards to become weak, causing the house to become permanently damaged.

Destroying Your Memorabilia
Many people leave important items they want to remember inside their attic. This includes such things as old newspaper clippings, clothes, blankets, pictures, books, and other similar items. While you may be looking to store them, the squirrel may look at them as the perfect items to build a nest.

There is no doubt that they will rip apart books, old sweaters, and pictures to build a nice warm, comfy place to sleep. You also have to worry about the animal defecating on these items. All of your important items you wish to keep dear to you can quickly be gone the first time this animal relieves itself.

Your Insulation
If you don’t store items like clothing and pictures inside the attic, there is still a material that is perfect for the animal to use for a nest. That is your insulation.

The material used for insulation is very warm and puffy. It is easy for a squirrel to tear this apart, making it an ideal choice for a nest.

The really sad part about the squirrel using your insulation for a bed is that there is no way to clean this. Maybe you could salvage a blanket by washing it thoroughly a few times, but you can’t clean your insulation in this way. You would simply have to throw it away, and that can be rather expensive to replace.

If you know that a squirrel is living in your attic, you need to act quickly to get it out. There are many techniques you can use on your own or you could hire a professional to help you. You will be glad that you acted quickly.

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